Q. What is FlightCHECK?
A. FlightCHECK is an anytime anywhere fight information service. Allowing people to check whether their flight is on time or delayed before going to the airport.
Q. How does FlightCHECK work?
A.Travellers txt their flight number i.e. NZ423 to 8808 and get
the flight information for the next flight leaving or arriving with that tail/flight number. Please note FlightCHECK is a same/next day service - not a weeks in advance notification system as per our terms and conditions.
Q. How much does it cost to use FlightCHECK?
A. A text for flight information from the FlightCHECK service cost's 50c
Q. Which mobile service providers does FlightCHECK support?
A.FlightCHECK supports both Vodafone and Telecom networks, or international roaming mobiles in New Zealand.
Q. What does "SMS" stand for?
A. SMS stands for Short Message Service and is a service available on most digital mobile phones. For more information on SMS visit Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Short_message_service)
Q. Where does FlightCHECK work?
A.FlightCHECK can be used in New Zealand to check any national or international flight.
Q. Will FlightCHECK work on my mobile phone or hand-held device?
A. FlightCHECK will work on any mobile device capable of sending and receiving SMS or TXT.
Q. Will the flight info be to the second correct?
A. We are not at the airport watching the planes tack off and land, but the information sent to you is sourced from Flightstats.com an international leader in flight information. They provide worldwide flight information to numerous airlines and also power flight information to companies like Google, powering their flight related search results. We cannot 100% gaurantee the Flight details from Flightstats are to the second accurate, but we do deliver the most up to the minute information we can source.
Q. FlightCHECK returns correct flight number for wrong day?
A.FlightCHECK searches for your flight number for the current day, based on the flight departures. In some cases, the departure is for a different day, when the flight crosses a dateline, eg from LA. If you want details for the flight that arrives today, you can append "-A" to the flight number you send to FlightCHECK. This will tell the system to search for Arrivals for the current day. Eg NZ423-A
Q. Can I search for a flight on a different day?
A.Yes you can, with the newest version. If you want to search for the flight on a particular day, then append the date to the flight number you send in to 8808. The format must be as follows: (Flight)-dd or dd/MM or dd/MM/YYYY (Month and Year are optional). Eg to get details of flight NZ423 on the 28th of the current month, then txt in NZ423-28
Note also, you can combine this with the above -A to specify an arrival on the particular date. Eg NZ423-A28
Q. FlightCHECK returns different leg of the flight?
A.FlightCHECK searches for your flight number based on information sourced. Sometimes flights have separate legs of the journey, but they use the same flight number. We try to provide you with the most likely leg, but if you find it is from / to different airports than you want, you can txt in (Flight)-L to specify the final leg. Eg NZ423-L. This can be combined with the above options, by adding L after A and/or before the date. Eg NZ423-AL28
And Finally - well, we are trying to build the best service we can, to help you in your travels- so please give us any feedback you have!